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Sustainable Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities


Sustainable Development Goal 11, one of 17 goals that make up the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, provides targets and guidance for urban planning to support cities with growing populations.
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 is about making “cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.” It is one of the 17 SDGs in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
In 2015, the United Nations (UN) adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a plan to promote peace and sustainable growth worldwide. One of the goals within the plan is SDG 11, which addresses urban development. The goal says cities should ensure access to safe and affordable housing, public transportation, and public green spaces. It states that cities should be resilient to natural disasters and protect those in vulnerable situations while also minimizing economic loss.
One sustainability target that is often overlooked is social sustainability and civic engagement. This includes actions individuals can take, like voting for measures that increase sustainability in their own city or for politicians who support these measures. People can also attend their city’s public forums to give feedback on sustainability initiatives. Taken as a whole, SDG 11 is a comprehensive and complex goal: creating sustainable cities that can withstand both climate change and unprecedented growth.
Full text in:
Sustainable Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities 

Where is sustainability headed in 2024?

J.P.Morgan, January 29, 2024.


The Green Economy Banking team and other experts across the firm share the renewable energy, sustainable finance and climate tech trends they’ll be tracking in 2024.


Efforts to advance decarbonization across the globe remain in the early stages—providing an enormous opportunity for green-minded companies to innovate and make a difference. We expect sustainability to remain a priority for business leaders and policymakers in 2024. As we work with the companies navigating this transition, we’re excited to share some of the key renewable energy, sustainable finance and climate tech trends we anticipate for the year ahead.


Climate technologies

We could see efforts toward the energy transition accelerate again in 2024—and some major new technology projects come online.


Project finance and tax equity

In 2024, U.S. tax equity could be the single most important financing market for the energy transition in the world. J.P. Morgan teams will be watching developments around tax credit transfers, technological eligibility and tax equity bridge loans very closely


Capital raising and markets

We continue to monitor the evolution of the broader macroeconomic and equity capital markets environment, which provides a relatively challenging backdrop for the sector with a resetting of investor expectations and market valuations


ESG and operational sustainability

We’re closely monitoring how public policy may impact low-carbon investment, either directly, like the Basel III Endgame, or indirectly, like the climate disclosure rules expected from the SEC and the European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive


Leia o artigo completo em:

Green Economy Outlook: Sustainability Trends for 2024 | JPMorgan Chase


Tendências de mercado 2024: como será o comportamento do consumidor

Sebrae, 12/06/2024.


Saiba como as tendências de consumo em 2024 afetarão micro e pequenos empreendedores. Conheça estratégias para se adaptar, vender mais e alavancar seu negócio.


No cenário dinâmico dos negócios, compreender as tendências de mercado que influenciam o comportamento do consumidor em 2024 é mais do que uma vantagem competitiva - é uma necessidade para a sobrevivência dos pequenos negócios. 

De acordo com uma pesquisa recente da McKinsey, divulgada em julho de 2023, sobre o consumidor brasileiro, as tendências de comportamento de consumo para 2024 revelam um cenário de otimismo em relação ao futuro, mas com uma postura cautelosa no presente. Esta mudança no panorama oferece oportunidades e desafios para os pequenos empreendedores se destacarem. 

Neste artigo, vamos explorar por que é crucial entender essas tendências, destacando as principais influências esperadas com dicas práticas para os micro e pequenos empreendedores aproveitarem ao máximo essas mudanças.


Leia o artigo completo em:

Tendências de mercado 2024: Como será o comportamento do consumidor - Sebrae